We produce whiteboard live action animated videos

We offer live-action, animated, and whiteboard videos to showcase your business, solutions, and services. Take a look at what we’ve created below, and feel free to reach out if you have a need for a professional video to support your marketing efforts.
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ResoluteGuard Testimonial Video

ResoluteGuard needed a testimonial video to showcase client appreciation to be used in an upcoming board meeting. The interviews were recorded via Zoom and spliced together with different clients providing answers to pertinent questions throughout the video.

Distru Whiteboard Video

Distru needed a one minute video to embed into their advertising campaign on YouTube Ads. The video leverages their original voice-over but brought to life their original sketches as a reformatted whiteboard video.

Distru Commercial Video

As an alternative to their whiteboard advertising video, Distru also wanted a professional, commercial type video that could be embedded into their advertising program for their more mature prospects and opportunities.

Dealership Conversion
Promotional Video

Dealership Conversion needed a promotional video to showcase their digital marketing offering specifically for automotive dealerships.

Our Own Demand Generation Promotional Video

At Bertoli Marketing, our mission is to help startups and small businesses quickly and effectively reach their revenue goals. We are your trusted partner in reshaping your entire demand generation strategy.